Delhi Violence

Updates from our reporters on the ground in northeast Delhi

On 24 February 2020, armed right-wing mobs set fire to Muslim houses in the Maujpur area of northeast Delhi. According to eyewitness accounts, earlier that morning, Hindu households in the Dharmapuri gali, near Maujpur, had put up saffron flags to mark their houses so that they would be spared by the rampaging mobs. Javed Sultan
On 24 February 2020, armed right-wing mobs set fire to Muslim houses in the Maujpur area of northeast Delhi. According to eyewitness accounts, earlier that morning, Hindu households in the Dharmapuri gali, near Maujpur, had put up saffron flags to mark their houses so that they would be spared by the rampaging mobs. Javed Sultan
26 February, 2020

6 March 2020

5.15 pm: #DelhiViolence | UPDATE: The death toll has risen to 53. Officials from four hospitals—Jag Parvesh Chander, Lok Nayak Jai Prakash, Ram Manohar Lohia and Guru Tegh Bahadur—have confirmed that a total of one, three, five and 44 persons, respectively, have died at these hospitals.

5.15 pm: #DelhiViolence | UPDATE: Death toll at GTB hospital has reached 44, according to Sunil Kumar, the hospital's medical director. Of these, 13 died from gunshots; 3 from stab wounds; one from stab and gunshot wounds; and 24 from assault and burn injuries. 

5.15 pm: #DelhiViolence | Most of the 44 deceased individuals at GTB hospital were below the age of 35, and two of them were between 15 to 19 years old.

3 March 2020

2.25 pm: #DelhiViolence | UPDATE: According to GTBʼs medical director, Sunil Kumar, of the 279 injured patients seen at GTB till now, at least four were 10–15 years old. A majority of them were below 35 years of age. At least 272 of the injured were male.

28 February 2020

2.15 pm: Death toll at the GTB Hospital rises to 38. This brings the total confirmed deaths across three hospitals—GTB, LNJP and Al Hind—to 43.

According to Sunil Kumar, GTB's medical director, 28 were brought dead. Of these, 7 died of gunshots; 8 from blunt assault; 5 of burns; 3 of stab injuries; and 1 from gunshots and stab wounds. The cause of death of 4 victims remains unknown.

Of the 28 brought dead, 12 remained unidentified. Kumar gave the following breakdown of patients admitted to the GTB hospital, starting on 24 February. He said that the hospital has attended to 222 patients so far.

27 February 2020

1.00 pm: Death toll from the GTB and LNJP hospitals reaches 33. Three people have died at the LNJP hospital, according to Ritu Saxena, the chief casualty officer.

Of these, one was brought dead, and the other died after being brought in. Saxena confirmed that 52 patients have been brought to LNJP since 24 February. Only 10 are admitted right now, the rest have either been discharged or have gone elsewhere. As of 9 am today, the death toll at the GTB hospital had reached 30, according to Dr Parmeshwar Ram, the chief medical officer of the hospital. This includes those who were brought dead and those who died post admission. Between these two hospitals, the confirmed death toll of the Delhi violence has reached 33.


26 February 2020

1.29 am: An account from a 21-year-old photojournalist, who is at the Al Hind hospital in Mustafabad:

“When I reached Al Hind at around 11.30 am this morning, the only patients here were those injured yesterday. After that, as today's violence took place, patients began coming in. Initially, only those injured in stone pelting were coming, but all of a sudden, people with bullet wounds began coming in. Soon, only people with bullet injuries began coming in. And they were injured in such a terrible condition, I cannot describe it. There was so much blood. There was no medicine in the hospital. Somehow we managed to bring some medicine from Saket, but we had no idea that even that would run out. That ran out, and there was nothing in the hospital. From around 2 pm, I have been calling ambulances continuously. Around 12 pm onwards, people started coming into the hospital, and by 1 pm, it was full. I kept calling and asking, please bring an ambulance. I called for government ambulances, from Saket, I called for ambulances from everywhere. But they would come and then be stopped by the Delhi Police. Finally, I just received a call that the police would bring the ambulances here. I have given the address but there is still no certainty about whether it would reach or not. I can confirm two deaths that have occurred at the hospital—one was stabbed with a knife, and one was shot and died immediately upon arrival. The one who was stabbed, he could have easily been saved. But nor was there any medicine in the hospital, nor anything else. They just kept trying to stop the bleeding. He was stabbed four times. It was so horrific, I cannot tell you. The things here are so disturbing. The imam of the Mustafabad masjid that was burnt down was also beaten. They entered the masjid and beat him. He is also in the hospital. This is a normal, local hospital. It is not a hospital that can handle big cases. There is no surgeon here. Even now, the people here with gunshot wounds, they have not been able to remove the bullets from anyone. They don’t have a surgeon. The doctor said that there are around 15 people in the hospital with bullet injuries. He may have exaggerated, but I am sure there are at least ten. All those with normal injuries, broken hands or legs, they have left. Only the unconscious ones are here. I saw one man with shrapnel still sticking out of his right side. When I asked him to at least remove that before he goes, he said, ‘No, if I survive, then I’ll get it done later.’ That’s how scared he was. This is the situation. There are around 30 patients here right now.”


25 February 2020 

5.30 pm: A man with a gun, seen around around 3.30 pm on 24 February, in Yamuna Vihar, across the road from Chand Bagh, in northeast Delhi. As crowds on both sides of the road pelted stones at each other, this man appeared in the lane and fired towards the Chand Bagh side. The crowd on the Yamuna Vihar side then followed the shooter. According to a news report in The Hindu, eight people, including a police personnel, died in the violence on that day. The families of four victims told The Hindu that they had died of bullet injuries.

Shivam Khanna

1.54 am: Sadim Rajput runs a shop. A mob supporting the CAA attacked him while he was on his way to his home in Vijay Park, Maujpur.

Since the area is under lock down, the injured residents have not been able to seek medical help. They have dressed their own wounds, with help from their community members.

photograph by shaheen ahmed


1.52 am: Muhammad Mubarak, a daily wager, was going to a construction site when a mob supporting the CAA attacked him, near the Maujpur metro station.

Around 20 men beat him up. One of them attacked him with a sickle. Mubarak said that the police was standing nearby but didn't intervene. He has suffered injuries on his head, his back and behind his legs.

photograph by shaheen ahmed


1.49 am: Muhammad Zubair, an advocate, was returning from the Kakardooma court to his home at Vijay Park, when a mob supporting the CAA attacked him.

He said the mob used slurs while beating him up, saying, “Katmulle hain, maro sale ko”—beat this bastard. Zubair said he called the local station house officer, who did not come to his rescue.

Photograph by Shaheen Ahmed


1.05 am: A car on fire at Chandbagh, at around 4.45 pm. According to eyewitnesses, a Hindu mob set a petrol pump and cars on fire.

Photograph by Kajal Pattni


1.04 am: Chandbagh, at around 2.25 pm this afternoon. According to eye witnesses, a Hindu mob set a petrol pump and cars on fire.

Photograph by Rohit Lohia


12.30 am: An account from a 26-year-old photojournalist, who was at Chandbagh:

“At around 1.30 pm, a Hindu right-wing mob of around 200 men came near the protest site carrying stones and everything. They started stone pelting. They burnt the petrol pump. They were chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ ... They burnt the petrol pump—there was a truck nearby, they first burnt that, then they burnt the petrol pump. Then all the cars that were there, on the opposite side of the protest site, near the petrol pump, they burnt all of them. They were with the police. The mob once burnt an e-rickshaw, then rolled it towards the Chand Bagh side, towards the protesters. They did this with many vehicles—I don’t know to defame the protest or what. Police personnel were few. At the beginning they were around 50-60 of them, then the mob was far more in numbers. The mob started shooting at around 4 pm. They were in civil dress, wearing helmets. Where we were standing, a person standing just next to us was also shot. We are not sure if he is dead or what. Whole of Chand Bagh was on fire. We left around 7 pm. The mob had taken over the entire area. They had reached around 300, or 400–500 people. They burnt the protest site. There was stone pelting and teargassing at the homes. The police was throwing tear gas at the protesters again and again. The protesters were picking us the shells and throwing it back. A tear gas blasted in a protesters hand too—people said that his bones were visible, the blast was that bad. The police was moving with the mob, stone pelting at the protesters along with them. The protestors on the other side were earlier around 500, but the number declined with time. On the main site, there were around 200–300 who were left fighting.” 


12.02 am: 32-year-old Aslam Khan, a painter and resident of Kardampuri, was returning in the afternoon from work when he got caught in the rioting at Kardampuri.

Aslamʼs mother-in-law Bilkees said that he was hit in the hand by a “projectile” that blew off his thumb. She does not know what it was, but she suspects it was a tear-gas shell. Aslam fainted near Kardampuri bridge, at around 2 or 3pm, Bilkees said. He was found by his uncle, who rushed him to the GTB hospital by 4 pm.