The Invisible River is a play by Gautam Raja, directed by Vivek Madan. When Uma, a young scientist from Bangalore, arrives in Allahabad to investigate the possibility that the Ganga could be a starting point of a new era of disease eradication, she sets off a ripple effect that impacts the lives of several people. Ajay, a government doctor and staunch believer in cleaning up the river, represents the conventional wisdom of the medical profession, but is entangled with his personal and professional demons—a mother obsessed with religion, dying slum children, and a government that just doesn’t care. The characters leave the audience with the thought that everything in India is woven with a common thread but nothing is as simple as it seems.
The Invisible River, 5 October to 14 October, Jagriti Theatre, Ramagondanahalli, Varthur Road, Whitefield, Bangalore. For more information call (+91) 80 41248298.