The Caravan at the Writers of India Festival

19 September, 2014

Earlier this year The Caravan,in association with the World Writers’ Festival, an initiative of Columbia University and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, called for young Indian writers to participate in the Writers of India Festival, which is now on in Paris from 18 to 21 September 2014. Our finalists join writers and critics such as Akeel Bilgrami, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Vikram Chandra and Kiran Desai in what promises to be a fruitful meeting between new and established writers.

Our finalists have been accompanied by a few members of The Caravan's editorial staff to chronicle the events at the festival. Their updates and stories are listed here.

1. Supriya Nair writes on Amit Chaudhuri's conversation with the scholar Laetitia Zecchini. Click here to read the post.

2. Supriya Nair writes on the conversation between participants of the festival and established writers. Click here to read the post.

3. Vikram Chandra talks to The Caravan about his latest book, Mirrored Mind, also published as Geek Sublime. Click here to watch the video.

4. Supriya Nair writes on Jeet Thayil's conversation with the publisher Marc Parent, on his novel Narcopolis, on Baudelaire, and more. Click here to read the post.

5. Akeel Bilgrami, Urvashi Butali and Vishakha Desai discuss globalisation and world literature. Click here to read Supriya Nair's post from the session.

6. Indra Sinha talks about his novel Animal's People, about creating the fictional town of Khaufpur, and about his next book. Click here to watch the video.

7. Kiran Desai talks about her next book and her writing method. Click here to watch the video.

8. Sanjay Subrahmanyam talks about his forthcoming book and the world of publishing. Click here to watch the video.

9. Akhil Sharma talks about his novel Family Life and his tragicomic view of the world. Click here to watch the video.

10. Ajay Krishnan writes on the "translation slam" held on the penultimate day of the festival. Click here to read the post.